Contratos cinematográficos en China

Lecciones de negocios internacionales de Fan Bing Bing

Foto de George Baird En la universidad tenía un amigo que fumaba como una chimenea y bebía como un juez del Tribunal Supremo. Cuando la gente le hacía notar lo peligroso de sus costumbres, él respondía señalando enfáticamente que su abuelo también fumaba y bebía tanto como él y que su abuelo

Anthony Bourdain en China

Las lecciones de Anthony Bourdain sobre China revisadas

Lo único que sé con certeza sobre China es que nunca la conoceré. Es demasiado grande, demasiado antigua, demasiado diversa, demasiado profunda. Sencillamente, no hay tiempo suficiente. - Anthony Bourdain, en Parts Unknown Primero Kate Spade y ahora Anthony Bourdain. ¿Qué demonios está pasando? Es increíblemente triste. Me siento obligado a reenviar

Hacer negocios en Myanmar Birmania

Hacer negocios en Birmania/Myanmar: Informe sobre el terreno

7-3-2012. Acabo de regresar de Yangon (Myanmar), donde he asistido a la primera Cumbre sobre Inversión en Myanmar y me he reunido con abogados y empresarios locales en relación con la inversión extranjera en Myanmar. Me sorprendió bastante la situación en Myanmar y el método del gobierno para promover la economía local e integrar la inversión extranjera en ese desarrollo. Como se describe

International lawyers

The Documents Are the International Deal

Everyone is talking about the Wall Street Journal article Did Xie Zhikun’s Nearly $1 Billion Go Missing? A Private-Equity Mystery. To grossly oversimplify this terrific article, Xie Zhikun claims to have invested $1 billion into a U.S. based private equity company via a “share entrustment agreement” that specifies he is the actual owner in a

foreign transaction due diligence checklists

Foreign Company Due Diligence

It goes without saying you should choose good business partners abroad. The kind of partner that doesn't like getting sued ... and hence doesn't give you reason to sue them. Partners that won't steal your IP.  But just how can you know a partner is reliable before you do business with them and put them to the acid test?

China lawyers

Using China Licensing Agreements to Give Your Technology a New and Profitable Life

This past week has been one of the busiest/most horrible weeks for three of the China lawyers on my law firm’s “China team.” It has been horrible because they have been working on two China technology licensing agreements, both of which this week involved a particularly hard-edged China negotiating tactic, which tactic we described in

On being a China lawyer and on doing business in China

On Being a China Lawyer and on Doing Business In China: An Interview

I was interviewed last year by as part of an ongoing interview series on strategy and innovation. The below is that interview [it is no longer online anywhere else]. Dan Harris is the founder of Harris Sliwoski, an international law firm with offices in Seattle, Portland, Los Angeles, Phoenix New York, Barcelona, Madrid and Beijing.

It's a big world out there, so export. (Infographic is from FedEx)

Asia Export Strategies

I love to talk about what I call our “accidental exporter” clients. These are companies (mostly in the United States, but Europe too) who literally lucked out into becoming Asia exporters. And by “lucked out,” I mean they were quietly going about their business when contacted out of the blue by someone in Asia (usually

Vietnam, India, Mexico, Brazil. Anywhere but China.

China’s Golden Age for Foreign Companies is Over

Let the hate mail begin. Whenever we write on how things are getting bad for foreign companies doing business in China and on how foreign companies should think long and hard before doing business in China, we get hate mail or hate comments (which we typically delete). Many of these come from China consultants accuse