They Said It On Marijuana, Quotable Saturday, Part XXV

This is part 25 of our Saturday quote series and it will be the first time the quote comes from someone who is not the least bit famous. A number of people told us that they just assumed we would use a Robin Williams quote on marijuana and a number of others even suggested the quotes. But due to the problems from which he suffered, we did not think it appropriate (at least so soon after his death) to essentially reduce him to a pot quote.

We have instead pulled the following quote from, of all places, a letter to the editor of the Los Angeles Times. The letter is from Mary Gafner, from Tustin, California, and it is in response to the recent spate of kids dying from synthetic marijuana and it is just so straight on, so sensible, and so important that we could not resist citing to its money quote below:

But, first, let me get one thing straight: Marijuana grown in the ground is illegal in almost every state, and yet it is not known to kill people. But this synthetic copycat is legal in many states and almost anyone, anywhere, can purchase the drug and die from using it, and the makers cannot be held responsible?

Does anyone disagree?

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