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Is Cannabis Legal in Utah?


Utah Cannabis Legality

As of July 2022, nearly every state in the U.S. has legalized some form of cannabis. Understanding Utah’s detailed laws regarding cannabis use and possession is essential, particularly if you plan to open a cannabis business.

The Legal Status of Cannabis in Utah

In Utah, medical cannabis is legal, but recreational cannabis isn’t. The state passed legislation to legalize cannabis for medical purposes in 2018. As a result, only qualified patients are legally allowed to buy, possess, and use cannabis. Those who violate the law and possess cannabis for recreational purposes or exceed the scope of the medical cannabis program are subject to penalties.

Utah also outlines additional laws pertaining to cannabis cultivation, sales, and more. Only licensed dispensaries can cultivate, process, and sell cannabis in Utah. Patients with medical cannabis cards cannot possess more than the legal amount of cannabis or purchase it from a source other than a licensed dispensary.


Is Medical Cannabis Legal in Utah?

The only legal way to use cannabis in Utah is as a qualified patient for medical purposes. A Utah resident must be 18 or older, have a qualifying condition, and meet with a certified medical professional to apply for a medical cannabis card.

Once the state approves the application, the patient can purchase medical cannabis from any licensed dispensary in Utah. A medical cannabis card expires and must be renewed every six months or one year. Currently, registered patients can purchase medical cannabis from any of the state’s eight licensed dispensaries.

Is Cannabis Decriminalized in Utah?

No, cannabis isn’t decriminalized in Utah. The goal behind decriminalization is to lessen the criminal offenses associated with the possession of cannabis. Sometimes, states, counties, or cities will decriminalize marijuana without legalizing it. Utah has not legalized cannabis for recreational use or decriminalized it.

Utah has some of the most detailed and stringent laws regarding how you can and cannot buy, possess, and use cannabis, so it is essential to fully understand them if you want to use cannabis in the state.

Get in Touch With Harris Sliwoski Today

Since 2011, Harris Sliwoski has worked with cannabis businesses nationwide to help them navigate the ever-changing industry. If you’re interested in learning more or have questions about certain laws in your state, our team is here to help.

Can You Smoke Cannabis in Public in Utah?

It is illegal to use cannabis in public in Utah, regardless of whether you are a patient with a medical cannabis card. You must use cannabis in private unless you are having a medical emergency. If you work for a public employer, you are allowed to use cannabis in accordance with your physician’s recommendation but may not consume it at work or within 12 hours of starting work. Private companies can make their own rules about cannabis use by employees.

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Is CBD Oil Legal in Utah?

In 2018, the Farm Bill legalized industrial hemp on the federal level. However, not all products containing CBD or CBD oil are legal in Utah.

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