Rodrigo Guedes Nunes

Rodrigo is the ultimate fixer for foreign companies entering or operating in Brazil and South America. Based in São Paulo, Rodrigo uses his legal and business experience, combined with a vast array of South American contacts and knowledge, to help companies from all over the world conduct business in Brazil, Argentina, Paraguay, and Uruguay. Experienced in and knowledgeable about the Asia-Pacific region, he has a strong history serving as a bridge to South America for firms headquartered in Asia and Australasia, especially in the areas of due diligence, contract negotiation and arbitration.

Brazil’s “GDPR”

How to Get Ready for Brazil’s “GDPR”

On August 1, 2021, articles 52 through 54 of Brazil’s General Data Protection Law (Lei Geral de Proteção de Dados or LGPD) will come into force. For businesses that deal with data obtained in Brazil, time is running out to prepare for the LGPD, which is Brazil’s version of the GDPR, the European Union’s General